welcome to fairground
This is the Fairground Blog. A place where we can write about what we are focusing on, interested in, where we can highlight other people working in the systems change space and why we feel their work is valuable. We want to be another place where change-makers voices are highlighted. As well as a place where we can amplify the voice of those that are not being heard at all and suffering the most.
Our media is corrupted by vested interest, propping up a broken system. So we need to make sure the truth is heard in which ever format we have available to us.
We will look to scientists, academics, researchers, respected journalists, thought leaders, philosophers and activists who dedicate their lives to unearthing the truth and who are interested in the complexity of issues, not merely the headlines. We will attend conferences, talks, events and make site visits ourselves and then give the reader direct and real information on issues of human rights, climate injustice and the state of our democracy. Mostly local, but sometimes global if required.
Sometimes, if we come across an article or essay or report that we think should be widely read we will also include that here.
Our hope is that this and all our other recommendations on this site become a resource for all those who are searching for real and lasting change in this complex and often times seemingly broken world.
While the solutions are not easy, our desire is to give the reader hope that they are possible.
Thanks for helping build a FAIR GROUND for us all.