The Barlow Impact Group/Barlow Foundation was seed funded by Beverley and Douglas Barlow with $20 million in 2014. Bev sadly passed away in July 2017, and Doug in 2022. With the selling of the family business in 2024 their daughter Deborah chose to relaunch and grow the Group establishing what is now known as FAIRGROUND. Bev and Doug’s legacy of integrity, kindness and generosity guides all the work to this day. Under the stewardship of Deb the impact investment portfolio has developed to be also be a powerful vehicle for change, reframing the way we consider money and how it can be used for good.

Bev Barlow began her working life as a teacher in Papua New Guinea. When Bev met Doug in Canada they moved to Melbourne and ran the family grocery store in Richmond. From humble beginnings the family grew the business to over 700 stores and coffee shops to be one of the largest family owned companies in Australia.

Bev, as well as being a long term Director of the family business, also inspired her family by demonstrating a lifetime of giving and generosity, her community roles included:


Treasurer on Royal Children's Hospital Fund Raising Committee, earning her an Honorary Life Governor Award

First female President of the Melbourne Football Club Gold Pass Club

President of school boards, fund raising committees and organiser of endless school fetes and functions


Historically, The Barlow Foundation’s grants focused on reducing inequality by supporting women and children via education programs (60%), economic empowerment of women (31%), law and justice (2%) and other discretionary giving (7%).


Between 2014-2019 the Barlow Foundation delivered $4.3 million in grants to charitable organisations that supported education and fostered self-reliance and self-empowerment in women and children from disadvantaged backgrounds. During this period, the Barlow Foundation granted to more than 30 not-for-profit organisations and invested quadruple that in social change making impact investments.

By the time the Barlow Impact Group completed its work in 2024 $8.9 million had been granted to 83 incredible charitable organisations and it had invested $27.5 million for impact.


Through our investment portfolio the Barlow Foundation has supported life changing initiatives, including social justice reform; building hospitals and green buildings; alternative energy sources, education apps and services and access to low cost medicines and financial services.

As of 2024 $27.5 million (93%) of our corpus has been invested for impact.